46°21'55" N 14°11'30" E

46°2'38" N 14°29'5" E

46°4'47" N 14°31'20" E
In this series I am exploring thereferential boundaries of modern digital photographs, which include much moreinformation in the metadata, as opposed to analog photographs. Cameras are nowcapable of recording time, date, camera settings, GPS coordinates etc. Mostcamera phones are capable of recording GPS coordinates. Even cameras on mobilephones are capable of recording GPS locations. In reality is actually morelikely that a camera phone is equipped with GPS capability than a device thatis camera dedicated. The GPS coordinates give the image a strong tie to theplace of creation. Using the blue sky as the visual pretext I rob the images oftheir classical referential code making them visually abstract. Nonetheless wecannot deny their indexicality that is maintained within the metadata. Ananalog photograph would in this manner still have a physical connection to theplace of creation, but there wouldn’t be a traceable record of it. Recording theGPS coordinates thus produce an undeniable connection to the location oforigin. The high-tech nature of the project is contrasted with its motive. Theidea is not to explore and showcase the capabilities of the medium, but insteadrather using it to explore a theme that is around since the dawn of time.People have always been connected through universal characteristics of Earth,the sky is one of them. We might be kilometres away but the sky is always thesame one. The viewer is presented with blue images that predictably looksimilar. The GPS coordinates are a constant reminder that we are looking atgeographically different locations and we areindeed looking at different places.